ZATTI production process

Project, Engineering and Prototyping

Our ability expands in different directions. Mainly we are committed to serve our Customers and Architects from whom we receive initial projects and concepts that we then develop and engineer in our internal “Design and Engineering” office. The ability of our experienced team of architects and engineers to work in synergy with the customers and the architects signing the projects is widely appreciated and it is definitely a real key success factor of the Company. The continuous exchange and flow of information allows to improve, and thus guarantee, the execution feasibility and the most careful and appropriate selection of materials best suited to the construction of the final products.

A well-established ability of our “Design and Engineering” department is also the development of original proprietary project proposals starting from specific requirements and needs expressed by our customers.
In this case, the use of advanced 3D rendering programs together with the manual ability to design and sketch (still irreplaceable) are a real strength in our Company. The result of this work in terms of executive design, leads to the creation of prototypes (mock-up) often essential to the understanding of the product and to its improvement before proceeding to the actual production phase.


The first phase of production is based on a careful and skilful selection of raw materials, as the purchase of wood and semi-finished products must be carefully evaluated according to the characteristics of the furnishings that must be delivered. This is especially true today because the requirements for certifications, local packaging and special use purposes (e.g: fire resistance classifications, moisture and water resistance, other specific regulations at the national level) are a pre-requisite standard for every order especially when operating at international level. The Company is internally organized to be able to handle every phase of the wood work: cutting, veneering and pressing until the final painting, using a complete line of machine tools both CNC and traditional, both state-of-art and always updated. In particular the internal pressurized spray cabin allows the layering of a wide range of paintings and lacquering. A feature historically present in the company is the presence of an internal department for metalworks (stainless steel, iron, brass, aluminum) managed by a dedicated and especially trained team.

Quality control

A careful and strict control system awards to the final product of Zatti Interiors the highest quality standard. The certification based on the UNI EN ISO 9001 allows to improve efficacy and efficiency of the production and other services processes, ensuring the final highest customer satisfaction. Being certified is synonymous with professionalism, ensuring control over the supply and quality assurance of the used materials.


Once the production is completed, we always proceed to the pre-assembly of the works in order. This is a really exciting phase greatly appreciated by Architects and final Customers: inside our large assembly spaces, all that has been produced both internally by the Company and externally by third parties suppliers (marble, glass, textiles, metals, ..) is perfectly composed as in a huge puzzle. The pre-assembly allows the verification and the possible adjustment of all parts of the industrial product, sometimes very complex, prior to shipment. This guarantees, in addition to the attention paid to every design and manufacturing phases, be sure to send a perfect product to the yard of destination.


At the very end of the production process, we enter a very delicate phase. Only the attention to detail and experienced perception can lead to accurate level of packaging.
Every choice and arrangement ensures and preserves the finished piece during transportation. Negligence at this stage would prevent Zatti Interiors to work for international clients, and all the attention devoted during the previous phases would become useless.


The final test, the demonstration that what happened so far has generated and correctly interpreted “the idea”, puts a strain on a team of skilled installers, the natural extension of the Company’s internal design team and production. They are interpreters themselves of the wishes of the customer and often work in symbiosis with the end user.

The hard work and the complexity of the production process of each piece done so far is entirely placed in the hands of our skilled installers.
The Company strongly believes that a good product needs to be installed to the highest standard, and this applies in particular to the special achievements and tailor-made works that are most of the time our operational standard.